Letter of Recommendation Request
As there is no official StatiaMed Cover Letter to give to our 3rd Year preceptors when asking for a letter of recommendation, I consulted the ERAS (Electronic Residency Application Service) website as well as some U.S. Med Students to put together a standard Cover Letter for us to use. I have included it in this entry - feel free to download it and use it to request recommendation letters!
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To clarify about the Official ERAS Cover Sheet (Thanks to the student who raised this issue):
Be sure to speak with Ronya Bracey at the Clinical Office before using the Official ERAS Request Form/Cover Sheet from the ERAS website (different from the UnOfficial Cover Sheet seen above), as she advises to not start your official ERAS file until you begin the Residency Application process. Because this ERAS Cover Sheet directs the Preceptor to send the Letter of Recommendation directly to ERAS, it may be filed much earlier than you would like.
However, as the Statia Clinical Office welcomes Letters of Recommendation to be stored in your file at the StatiaMed Clinical office, using the UnOfficial Cover Sheet will allow you to collect your letters of recommendation early, and then sort through & select the best when you begin applying for residency.
Here is the OFFICIAL ERAS COVER SHEET (to be used only when you are ready to have the Letters sent directly to ERAS).
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